My poor little buddleia looks completely dead. In fact it looks as though I planted a bunch of sticks. I am worried it might not have survived the harsh winter. I was set on picking up a new buddleia from the nursery to replace my possible goner.
Imagine my surprise when I arrived at the nursery to find most of their buddleias looking like potted dead sticks. I began to think maybe my little plant is okay after all. Looking back I wished I had stopped a nursery worker and asked them if it is normal for them to break their dormancy so late into spring. I was instead too busy worrying about an overtired 2 ½ year old and all the terror she was beginning to cause. Perhaps I am just being impatient? After all, I am still getting used to gardening up here after years spent gardening in warm and sunny California.
Despite my daughter growing antsy, I did manage to pick up an impulse buy. Well, only slightly impulsive as I have been meaning to get one. I nabbed a gallon size Syringa × prestoniae ‘Miss Canada’. I’m really excited about this purchase as I have always wanted to grow a lilac. I wish I could supply today’s post with a photo of it but not long after transplanting the lilac it began to rain. Pictures will follow though once it begins to flower as it is developing buds. For anyone interested, Fine Gardening magazine has some nice information (along with a picture) on this lilac at their site.
Since I just can’t leave this post empty without a single photo, here is a picture of Lunaria annua or money plant in full bloom. I started these from seed last year and patiently waited all year for them to bloom. Biennials require patience to reap their rewards!
I am surprised at how pretty they are. I can’t wait for the seed heads that follow these purple blooms. I just now my two younger children are going to get a big kick out them looking like silver dollars.
Before I close I must ask if any readers out there have any advice for my poor little buddleia. Is it typical for them to be taking so long to awaken from winter?
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