So, it seems I remain MIA these days. Life has been pretty hectic with the new baby. He has decided to follow in his big sister’s shoes and defy what sleep a typical baby needs to survive. Consequently, I am one tired mama! Certainly there has been no time for blogging or much else for that matter. Sleep (or lack there of) is what remains top on my list this summer. We are currently in the thick of “nap training”. (i.e. convincing a 4 month old that naps that last longer than 30 minutes are good for everyone.) I’m not one for letting a baby “cry it out” so instead what I am doing is before he hits that magical 30 minute mark I sneak in the room and pat his back when he begins to stir. So far it seems to be working and I am hoping (and praying, and fingers and toes crossed!) that in another week or so he will be doing much better. Then it will be on to the night time where he still seems to think that waking up 3-4 times is necessary. Boy, am I ever TIRED.
I am really hoping I can keep this blog alive. I truly do enjoy it. Hopefully, with time, I can get to it again on a more regular basis. I’m not done with it just yet!
Oh, and the blackberries are so ready for picking. I do hope I can find the time and energy to make some preserves before it gets too late.

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