These Days

by Cynthia

These days I never seem to have enough time in the day to do the things I once found so enjoyable. Things such as maintaining this blog and just being on the computer in general have become luxuries that I am missing greatly.

These days I can be found spending more time at the pediatrician’s office then in the garden. My two youngest children (my baby and 4 year old) continue to have multiple health issues that keep me incredibly exhausted and too drained for much. Certainly this blog has payed the price as well as numerous other areas of my life I am afraid. Perhaps one day I will sit down and write all the ups and downs I have dealt with in these past few months.

My garden is in such a sad state of affairs and I have absolutely no pictures to share from it. It looks tired and ready for its winter’s break. I do have some pictures to share from a couple of weeks back when I harvested some wild goldenrod for my dyepots.

Goldenrod in Bloom

Goldenrod is one of my favorite plants for dyeing with as it makes such a beautiful shade of yellow on wool when you keep the temperature low.

Goldenrod in Bloom

(*Note: the above photo is linked to Flickr and is a large picture that would make a nice wallpaper image for those that might be interested and like photos of a bright cheery yellow!*)

I steal moments here and there to work on my various projects that require yarn. These projects are keeping me sane through these trying days and bring me some sense of calm while I deal with blow upon blow brought on my family.

I apologize if this post is not as upbeat as I try to make this blog. My life is what it is right at this moment and this moment is a rough one.

To my faithful readers (if you are still out there!), please do not give up on this blog just yet as I do miss you all and thank you so much for being here these last two years.

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