Joining Ginny over at Small Things for Wednesday’s Yarn Along.
Well, here I am with another Yarn Along post. Last week I really believed I would be missing today’s Yarn Along for I thought we would be busy with moving into our new home. I was wrong….again! We are still waiting for lending details on both buyer and seller ends to finish wrapping up and I am growing extremely weary of this whole process. We were suppose to be out of our rental home this week. Thankfully the owners are understanding of our current situation and have agreed to let us stay another week. We are being told that we will have the keys to our new home in our hands no later than this Friday. (!!!Nearly a month past our original closing date!!!) I’m afraid to believe anything now! With any luck we will be moving early next week. {please}
Sadly, I have not had much time, nor the energy to concentrate on reading so my Radical Homemakers book that I started last week has sat untouched on my end table. Thankfully though I have not packed up my yarn and knitting supplies so I at least have them to keep me company while we sit around in a house full of boxes. I made some progress on Gabriel’s sweater. I need to start on the sleeves and then it will be just about done. I’m pretty pleased with how it is turning out. I think the color is going to really look nice on him and his olive complexion. The pattern is simple to follow which I am loving right now.
The rain has returned full force this past week and can you believe in nearly 10 years of knitting I have never made myself a hat?! I have made countless hats for others but not a single one for myself. I decided to change that last night while listening to the rain falling down. I pulled out some hanks of yarn I hand-spun over the summer and began a hat for myself. I decided to loosely follow the Knit Night Hat pattern. I’m modifying it some to fit my taste and will be sure to put the details up on Ravelry. I am just loving the colors! They remind me of a rose garden. Here is a photo from when I was spinning the yarn.
{The roving was purchased here in case anyone is interested.}
I know I said it last week, but I have to say it one more time; if I disappear for a bit in the next week it will be because I am caught up in our move. Hopefully all of this will be over very soon so we can all collapse!

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