It’s finally here! Tomorrow is the BIG day that we have been planning months for. Friday evening we were finally able to pick up the keys to our new home and now tomorrow we are moving in. It has been the longest, most stressful process I have ever been through! I cannot express how relieved I am to finally have the home buying part over. Moving is going to seem easy after all that we went through in order to buy the house!
Ariella is a little confused and I worry about how she is going to handle everything. I keep having to reassure her that all of our things are coming with us. When we went into the new home on Friday after picking up our keys she was surprised to see the former owners items gone and the house empty. I think that might have helped her to understand the whole moving experience a bit better. Now she seems to understand why all of our things are in boxes.
Gabriel of course does not know what is coming! I am worried about his rhythm getting completely out of whack. (Especially when we are just now starting to sleep through the night!) He has never had his own room so I cannot wait to see what he thinks of that. I think he is really going to love having a little space of his own.
I cannot express just how drained and exhausted this whole process has made me. It has been the biggest roller coaster we have ever been on. I have been struggling with having to constantly adjust our plans and expectations. I can normally roll with things pretty well but buying this house really pushed me to my limits. I really wanted to have a week or so before moving in to get the house ready for us. That just isn’t possible now. We are fortunate that the owners of this rental house were understanding of how long our new home took to close. We were originally suppose to be out by the end of September! It has been a long and nail biting road.
I may not be around on the blog for a bit in the next week while I get everything situated and under control. I am looking forward to putting our touches on this new house and making it our home.
Thank you to everyone for all of your nice emails, comments, and thoughts while we pulled ourselves through this incredible time in our lives. It has been exciting, scary, and exhausting all rolled into one!

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