
by Cynthia

Yesterday afternoon was so beautiful and sunny. (Today is back to the gloomy gray I’m sad to say.) I went out to the garden with camera in hand and took a few photos here and there of the herb garden and the plants that are waking up. I just recently showed a photo of my comfrey coming back to life and it seems to be growing everyday now.

Below is a glimpse into one corner of my herb garden.

Herb Garden

The plant in the front with the celery like foliage is lovage. I’m happy to see that it survived all the rain and did not rot away. This will be its third year in the herb garden and I am anxious to see how big it will get this summer.

Behind the lovage you can see my Egyptian walking onions. This also marks their third year in the garden and I am so pleased with how well they are doing this year. I have several nice and healthy clumps at the moment.

Egyptian Walking Onions

I love the Egyptian walking onions! Every bit of them is edible and we have been enjoying the greens in salads and soups for a few weeks now. (My 12-year-old and I especially like them in egg drop soup made with our homemade stock.) The kids love them because of how they “walk” around the garden. When they flower and grow heavy the tops fall over and a new plant will sprout– hence the “walking”!

Two herbs have reseeded themselves with abandon throughout the garden and I have willingly let them do just that. Below you can see some bronze leaf fennel has sprung up next to a new seedling of clary sage. I think they are going to look just lovely growing next to each other.

Finally, I took a photo of my roses and as you can see they are just beginning to wake up.Rose in Early Spring

They are rather far along in waking up in comparison to my Japanese maples who happen to still be tightly in bud.

Japanese Maple in Bud

Not too much longer now and the garden will be bursting with plants and flowers! I cannot wait to get my little man out there exploring it all–my little man who just happens to be one years old now! Where did that year go?!


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