Somehow a certain zucchini got away from me while out harvesting its siblings the other day. The sneaky vegetable was hiding quite well from me until it turned into what you see below.

Giant zucchini that can be used as a club as well as eaten!

(The canning jar is to put the zucchini’s size into perspective.)

Is it not just amazing how overnight they can get so HUGE! I’m glad I found this one while it was still edible. I was able to get enough grated zucchini off of it to make four loaves of zucchini bread.  I tried making Lemon Zucchini Bread and I recommend it if you want to try something a little different. The lemon zest tasted really good in it. My family gobbled that small loaf up in no time .

It is already beginning- I am having to get creative to keep up with the zucchini bush that has grown into a monster! What are some of your favorite ways of using up the never ending zucchini? I need all the suggestions I can get right now as I already have three more that needed to be harvested before they look like the giant in today’s photo.

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