Time sure flies and I just can’t believe it has been this long since I have updated my blog. Life has made quite a few twists and turn for me and my family and it became down right impossible for me to stay up to date on the blogging world as the weeks rolled on by. I hate to have let this blog go for so long as it has brought me so much joy. This post is my attempt to gradually get back into the game when it comes to blogging. This time of year finds me incredibly busy getting ready for the holidays and whatnot so I do not foresee myself posting regularly til the new year rolls around. Come the new year I will also have my hands a little bit fuller than usual as a few months ago I found out I am pregnant with our fourth child. I am due in late March and still have much to do to get ready for the little baby’s arrival. I hope some of my readers are still out there and have not completely given up on me. My garden is now peacefully asleep for the winter which suits me just fine right now as I have not had much time (nor energy) for it these past few months. I’m afraid it too was a little neglected much like this blog. I am actually finding myself enjoying the break from the watering and weeding! Come spring time I am sure I will be ready to get back out there though. I have been knitting up a storm and once the holidays are over I plan on going crazy when it comes to making items for the baby. I am also hoping to update this site’s look here real soon so be prepared for some renovations in the new future!
Hope everyone has a great holiday and I hope to be around here more soon!
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