Time keeps slipping through my fingers these days. I had not wanted it to be a full three weeks before I was able to get around to updating this blog. The holidays seemed to have zipped by and I now find my attention turning more and more to my new baby that is getting closer and closer to joining our family. In just a few more weeks I will get to meet this little one that seems to enjoy nudging me in the ribs!
Since all of my handmade gifts have been given I thought I would use this post to show off a few pictures of them. If any of my readers happens to be on Ravelry, you will find the link to my project details below each photo.
Although I grew a little frantic towards the end, I really enjoyed making so many of the gifts I gave this year and hope to do this more in the years to come.
I made this nice, warm, and simple beany from 100% wool and it was very welcomed seeing that winter came suddenly and left us rather icy.
These fingerless mitts are getting well used by my teenage son on his walk to and from his bus stop everyday!
I crocheted this set of cupcakes for my niece and nephew.
Finally, my absolute favorite gift I made this year, a purple and green button-up cardigan made from organic cotton that is oh so soft! I just love how it turned out and love even more how adorable my little 3 year old looks in it.
Now let me share two more images before I end this post (which I intend to NOT be my last post for the next 3 weeks! I never imagined it would be so hard to get back into the habit of blogging!)
Remember my Amaryllis that was about to bloom last month? Well, it actually bloomed on Christmas Day! I got up in the morning to find it in full bloom. Never before has the timing on my Amaryllis bulbs been so perfect. It was a gift all in itself.

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