Time sure flies when you are not looking. It has been far too long since I have paid much attention to this blog. My hands have been very full with family and our sweet new baby.
Gabriel Brooks was born at the end of March one day before his due date. Labor was crazy fast- a total of four hours. We barely made it to the hospital before he made his debut.
He is a very sweet and mellow little guy. We are enjoying getting to know him as we adjust to our larger family.
I hate to admit it but my garden is in shambles. I have not been able to find too much time for it these days and it shows- big time. Weeds have runneth over and my herb garden is being swallowed alive by mullein seedlings and chamomile. (I do believe the chamomile wishes to take over the entire garden.) Some plants however seem to be thriving on neglect. The French tarragon is huge this year and the Egyptian walking onions are about to flower. I miss the long hours spent fiddling in the garden and look forward to introducing the baby to it once the weather grows warmer and drier. (It has been quite chilly and wet here.)
I hope to find myself contributing to this blog more as the weeks go by. I miss the world of blogging and would like to find my way back to it. Until then I can be found snuggling my sweet little boy, enjoying these precious days that go by oh so fast.

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