Last night, while enjoying the sound of the rain coming down, I curled up with yarn in hand and ended up casting on yet another pattern. I seriously have some kind of knitting commitment problem these days! I cannot seem to stay focused on just one pattern! I have wanted to make myself a Tea Leaves cardigan for well over a year now. Last night I stole some yarn that was destined for my yarn shop and began to cast on that pattern. {here’s the Ravelry link} This color is not at all what I would normally pick for myself. I tend to lean towards more cooler colors but I wanted to try something different this time. Maybe a nice warm yellowy-orange cardigan will help to brighten the dreary days that are ahead.
On another note, I wanted to share a quick pic of another fiber project I have currently in the works. A week or so ago I began spinning this:
A 4 ounce pile of undyed hemp roving. It is very interesting spinning a plant fiber after always having spun protein fibers. I am actually really enjoying the roughness of the fiber. It does not behave at all like wool when being spun! I love how it feels like a plant. I’m planning on plying this when it is finished and then will experiment with my natural dyes on it. I can’t wait to see what I come up with. I will be sure to share my results here.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

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