Here I stand, at this moment, thinking back on the life of this blog and how much things have changed since I began it three years ago. I do not even recognize my life from when I started treading down this road. I have faced many challenges and have had to reinvent several areas of my family’s life.

Currently I find myself still dealing with more than I feel I can tackle. The health of my children is stable compared to 6 months ago but still shaky. I am constantly thinking about food and their diet. It has become a full time job. I am also continuing to deal with my daughter’s diagnosis of Autism. I am surprised to admit that hearing her diagnosis hit me harder than I expected. I knew in my heart all along that she was most likely autistic but to hear it officially sent me into somewhat of a depression these past few months. I suppose this may be a common reaction considering what we are now facing.

Over the Rainbow

I am trying to come to grips with what this all means to us as her parents and to her as a child. We continue to seek out various therapies (and who knew there would be so many various forms of treatment) that might be of help to her. We are also wrestling with the idea of homeschooling her as we are concerned as to what a typical school environment might mean to a child with autism and sensory processing disorder. (Follow this link to an explanation as to what sensory processing disorder is.)

As I mentioned above, food is quite the challenge these days. Never before have I paid as much attention to each and every bite of food that my children take as I do now. We are in the process of shifting from a gluten-free and casein free diet over to what is known as the GAPS diet. I have been researching nearly every spare moment I can as to what might be plaguing my children’s health (as well as my own really, but that is another story entirely). The GAPS diet sheds light on so many issues that we are currently dealing with. I hope to implement this diet here in the next month or so. I do not feel like going into the elaborate details of the diet here at this moment but for those interested in what I am referring to I highly recommend taking a look at the links that I will have listed at the bottom of this post.

To summarize, my days are currently spent chasing after two very active children (my 4 year old and 1 year old), homeschooling my 12 year old for his final year (he wants to attend public school next year), and reading as many books and internet sites that focus on diet, autism, and treatments for digestive problems as I can. Unfortunately, there has been little time for gardening. I miss it greatly right now and hope as the weather starts to finally get nice around here (GO AWAY RAIN!) I can steal moments out there when I can.

I know I continue to be sporadic in my blogging and commenting but it is the best I can do at this point in my life. What a ride these three years have been!

For more information on the GAPS diet please check out the following sites:

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