Joining Ginny over at Small Things for this week’s Yarn Along.
Another week that has flown by! I made some progress on Ariella’s cardigan since my last Yarn Along post but not as much as I would have liked. I really wanted to be sharing a finished sweater with you today and be on to my next cardigan which will be for little Gabriel. Perhaps by next week I will be able to share a finished knit with you. I really am juggling quite a bit this month with the move and all the projects I am still attempting to work on. Never enough time (or energy for that matter!) in one day.
Below is a photo of the yarn I plan to use for Gabriel’s cardigan. I really hope to be able to cast on this pattern within the next week.
My husband and I picked up a new book last week that we are both enjoying flipping through called The Complete Mushroom Hunter by Gary Lincoff. We are very new to the world of mushroom hunting and this book is about blowing our minds! All I can say is that mushrooms are just so weird and cool at the same time. For instance, on page 142 you will find pictures and a description of Jack-o’-Lantern mushrooms. These crazy orange mushrooms actual glow in the dark! Enough so that the author states one can read a newspaper by them at night! No wonder mushrooms are things of fairy tales! As fascinating as they are, I think I will wait to gather some for eating until I have an experienced mushroom gathering person with me as a guide. Some of the effects of the not so edible ones are down right frightening and I am just too chicken to attempt to gather some for eating on my own. Now to gather some for dyeing with, well that is another story…
How has your week of reading and knitting been?

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