Balancing Act

by Cynthia

Where do I even begin? It has been quite the month! These days find me overwhelmed with trying to stay on top of everything and feeling like I am accomplishing nothing. More times than I can count this month I have considering letting some things go as I feel I just do not have the time nor the energy for it all. This blog being on top of that list. I feel guilty when I cannot write a post on a regular basis like I like to and I just cannot seem to get to the blog these days. I keep reminding myself of all that has gone on in our lives recently. So many changes and adjustments. It really is no wonder I am exhausted. I feel as though I am walking a tightrope lately and am trying desperately to keep my balance- balance that seems way off right at this moment.

I worry about keeping up with my blog but am torn because my younger children need me so much. We are still going forward with homeschooling Ariella but that is proving to be so much harder than I imagined considering her autism. Gabriel is rapidly approaching two and boy does it show in his behavior! He is so full of the devil and wanting to assert his own mindedness. As I sit and type this I can hear him downstairs running my husband into the ground. The little man is unstoppable! Some days it feels as though all I do is chase that kid out of trouble. He has the sweet face of an angel but oh my goodness, don’t let that fool you!

We are (so far!) having a rather dry but chilly fall. Today we absolutely loved the sun streaming into our windows despite the quite chilly and even icy weather outside.

A few days ago I did some experimenting with some of the plants in our new garden. We have inherited a thornless hawthorn tree and it is dripping in berries right now. I decided to see what color of natural dye these berries might hold for me. I’m still testing them out but below you can see I did indeed achieve a nice color off of them.

I have been attempting to squeeze spare moments out of the day every chance I get for holiday gift crafting. I do hope to share some of that with you here very soon.

I  will try to be find my way back to this blog this week….

Until then,


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