Last year I excitedly purchased my first ever comfrey plant and carefully chose where I was going to plant it. I have always wanted to grow comfrey for numerous reasons but have never had the room to do so until we moved to our current home. I was sure to plant it in a spot that would be permanent for I had read all the warnings concerning it being very hard to eradicate once it was established.
I eagerly planted it last spring and watched it begin to sink its roots in. This year that little nursery pot of comfrey, has now grown to more than 6 times the size it was when I bought it. It has far exceeded my expectations of it. I actually find it to be quite attractive with its dark green leaves and pretty pink flowers that the bumblebees seem to just adore. Those bumblebees are twice the size of those comfrey flowers yet they somehow seem to still get what they are seeking.
My main reason for planting comfrey was due to the fact that I had read time and time again about what a great fertilizer tea it makes, how it can make excellent compost, and even how you can use it to fertilize new transplants by simply placing a few leaves in the planting hole. Once those leaves begin to break down the nutrients are there for the little plant that is beginning to set its roots down into the soil.
I was surprised to find that my rabbits (we have two of them) love to nibble on the leaves. I have since read that comfrey has been used as fodder so it is no wonder that they seem to enjoy it.
Years ago I read an article in Organic Gardening magazine about comfrey and that is what spawned my quest for this useful herb. I was very happy to see that they have since placed that article online for all to read and you can find it by following this link.
Comfrey is reported as being high in calcium, potassium, and other trace minerals. Several years back it was not uncommon to serve it steamed with lemon juice. Now a day it is not recommended to take internally but it is still excellent to use externally for all sorts of skin ailments. In fact comfrey is said to hasten the healing of broken bones hence its other names of knitbone and boneset. I like to include it in my herbal oil infusion that I use when making my salve.
I am very happy with my now big comfrey plant. I am amazed at how much growth is has put on in one year. I cut it back a few weeks ago and it has already returned with gusto. I look forward to using it in the garden as well as my home for years to come.

{ 9 comments… read them below or add one }
What a great plant to have in the garden. I love all the useful things you can do with the leaves and then that the flowers are beautiful is icing on the cake. It looks like it is happy and healthy so it must like the location it is in.
I planted my first comfrey plant this year. I really hope it doesn’t take over. I always worry about planting invasive plants in my garden, even those as good as comfrey.
PGL- It is a useful plant and I am loving it right now. I guess it does like where I planted it as it is doing so well.
Daphne- I know what you mean, I was hesitant planting it but I am really happy with where I placed it now.
Your comfrey looks very comfy! It’s a very pretty plant.
I love my comfrey plants! I love comfrey tea and many times, I will use the flowers in a salad. Yummy!
It looks great, and it sounds like such a wonderful plant to have around! Can you grow it in a container? I don’t know that comfrey would do very well in my garden the way I move plants around (I just can’t seem to make up my mind!)
Nancy- It does look comfy doesn’t it- minus those prickly leaves that don’t like me much!
Mrs. Greenhands- I bet the flowers look really pretty in a salad! I just love its little flowers. They are so sweet!
Lacey-I’m not too sure it if would like to be in a container as it has some pretty deep roots. Although I wouldn’t tell you not to try it as I break all the gardening rules when it comes to what to grow and what not to grow in a container! I’ll try growing just about anything in a container. Comfrey would probably like a really nice size container if you ever did want to try growing it in one. Maybe a half barrel? It would actually look rather pretty growing in a half barrel……hmmmmm. I’ll have to remember that one!
You talked me in to it. It is lovely and I like the uses. Thank you for sharing and the post was well written.
Thank you for your kind words yet again Anna! It really is a nice plant in my opinion. I am very happy with it right now. -Cindy
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