The amount of snow we received in such a short amount of time was just amazing. Everyday we went out and attempted to keep our driveway cleared and in doing so built up a big enough pile for my son to sled down on what used to be our front lawn. In some places the snow was so high I could stand on top of it and look onto my roof. Completely amazing! My eyes could almost not believe what they were seeing!
Our town is slowing but surely digging it’s way out of all this snow. We have been getting quite a bit of rain for the last two days now so that has helped out in the snow melting some. My husband cleared a path on our deck the other day as it was completely under snow and it now looks like I have a receding glacier out there!
I went looking through some of my pictures to compare how much snow we got and found two that illustrate it pretty well. Both are of my deck and in them you can see a bird feeder that we have perched on top of a post. Keep in mind when looking at the pictures that this post with the feeder on it stands taller than me.
The below picture was taken two days after Christmas last year. You can see the bird feeder toward the back on the right hand side. The far left is our blackberry bush.
The next picture was taken on Christmas day of this year. Once again the bird feeder is in the back on the right and the blackberry bush is on the left.
There has to be at least five feet of snow out there. By the time it finally stopped on the 26th we could no longer see most of our deck.
I woke up this morning to it snowing heavily again. It has since turned to rain but it sure has me wondering what kind of winter I am in for!

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