Not the most original name for a rabbit, I will agree, but my daughter named him Hoppy and it has stuck. I tried to talk her into Basil or Chicory which I thought would be cute and goes with our other bunny being named Verbena after my favorite herb, lemon verbena. She wanted the name Hoppy though, so Hoppy it is.
We adopted Hoppy from the Humane Society about a week and a half ago. He will hopefully take the place of our little Cacao that passed away a few months back. Verbena has been very lonely since then and we are hoping that her and Hoppy will get along. They have yet to meet yet so that is still unknown. Rabbits do bond with each other and once Hoppy’s hormones have mellowed out (the Humane Society had him neutered prior to us adopting him) we hope to introduce them to each other. Fingers crossed that it will be love at first site!
For more information on having rabbits as pets I highly recommend checking out the House Rabbit Society’s website.

{ 9 comments… read them below or add one }
Well Hello Hoppy, you cute little ball of awesomeness =))
It’s great that you went and got a new mate for Verbena. Never to keep highly social animals alone is one of our biggest rules. And it is one that we broke for the first time with our Dumbledore. He is about 10 years old now and a widower for the third time. His last Lady beat him up so severely that we decided to let it go this time and let him spend the remainder of his life single. But we do our best to keep him company and the Guineapigs visit him frequently. That’s not as good as a female rabbit (they just don’t understand what it means when he puts his head down – he wants to be licked on the head! But piggies don’t do that…) but I think he is relatively happy. Not as happy as with his second Lady, Hermine. That was the first time we had love at first sight with rabbits. No biting, no running around like mad, no flying fur. Just loooooove =) I hope Hoppy and Verbena will have that, too! All fingers crossed here!
Thanks for the sweet comment Maike. I do hope they get along. Verbena can be rather pushy and demanded all the grooming from her former mate and rarely returned any. Hoppy has a ton of energy and is pretty fiesty himself. I hope it will be a good match. We are giving it about another week or so before they are introduced.
What a cutie! Our family had a rabbit of the same breed, who we named Commander Frou-frou. So Hoppy is not too bad.
Commander Frou-frou is great! Rabbits are entertaining aren’t they?
Makes sense to me….Hoppy the Loppy
Adorable! I hope he has a gentle personality and bonds with Verbena. Our little Cookie is nearly ten years old now, and a grumpy old man. He has been moved from the house to an outdoor run on the patio for the summer. It’s nice to get the pooper box out of the house!
Hi Granny! Hoppy the Loppy is exactly what I said! My husband is calling him Hops for short so I guess there is still a bit of a herb theme going on there with the name!
Very cute! We’ve never had a rabbit but they sure are adorable. Very nice of you to allow your daughter to name it. We let our kids name one of our cats. His name; Benji.
Benji the cat- not the dog! Very cute.
Rabbits are a lot of fun. They can behave much like dogs at times believe it or not!
Hello Hoppy! I named our family dog “Spot” when I was a youngin’. Tell your daughter, I think it’s an awesome name