I was not able to read as much as I would have liked to this past week. Times are crazy busy here in my home lately. I had wanted to start a new book this week but that unfortunately,did not happen.
I have been able to make a bit of progress on Ariella’s Summer Dress. It is moving along nicely and I am really enjoying the organic cotton yarn I am using. It is very soft and the stitch definition is quite nice as well.
I am thinking about starting up another pair of shorties for Gabriel. He has outgrown so many of his other ones recently. I am thinking about trying out a different pattern than the one I normally use. Maybe the one I featured on a previous Ravelry in Review?
I plan on using some of my natural dyed yarn for this next pair of shorties. The yarn I am going to use was intended for my Etsy shop but I have been eyeing it for myself instead! It is Cestari Merino and I dyed it with walnut hulls to achieve the rich shade of brown you see in the photo below.
I was hoping to have at least one finished knitting project done this week to share with you but I am afraid I am doing more spinning these days than knitting! I am so hooked on my drop spindle right now. Currently I am spinning up some BFL roving that I purchased on Etsy and it is looking so beautiful. I am in love! I promise to share pictures of it here very soon.
I was also hoping to have finished Garden Spells this week but didn’t. I almost did it- and if I sit down and get a chance to read tonight I just might- but not in time for today’s blog post. I really would like to start up another fiction book as it has been nice having one to read in between my nonfiction stack of books I’m attempting to tackle.
Any suggestions on a good fiction book for midsummer?

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