I spent a large portion of the weekend laying in bed reading, crocheting and drinking very large quantities of my favorite under the weather tea blend. I was too tired and icky feeling to really concentrate on any of my current knitting so, I kept my ball of fabric yarn by my side and began work on the rag rug.
I am pretty happy with how it is looking. I think I have decided on it going in Ariella’s room once it is finished. I would work on it here and there while a sick little one would curl up next to me in my bed.
Ariella is enjoying watching it grow larger and I think that is my main deciding factor on having it go in her room.
As you can see in the photos, I have just about ran out of fabric yarn so I need to make some more strips. I think I have enough sheets and fabric scraps to make just enough more to finish this rug. I’m not too sure how big it is going to be. I think I will know when I see it.
Hope you are all well and healthy. There sure are some mean little colds floating around right now so everyone stay well.

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