It seems the garden grows on– with or without my TLC!
The Comfrey is now in full bloom. I never get tired of those sweet little pink flowers.
The Lemon Balm is just beautiful right now! I have been enjoying fresh Lemon Balm tea for the past couple weeks.
The Dandelions I only just recently blogged about are already going to seed.
Orange Mint looks so pretty coming up here and there at the back end of the garden.
I have strawberry plants scattered here and there throughout the herb garden and here are a few in bloom next to some more Lemon Balm.
These cute little flowers are from a potted thrift plant that I thought did not survive winter and was tossed next to the compost. I guess I was wrong because here it blooms while growing upside down! It’s root ball can be seen in the bottom right hand corner of the photo.
Hard to believe we are almost through Spring. How is your garden growing as we begin to approach early Summer?

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