Joining Ginny for this week’s Yarn Along.
The temperatures have finally cooled down some this week. Just in time for the cardigan I started last week! I am pleased with how it is knitting up. (Even if coming up with the stripe pattern gave me a bit of anxiety! Sometimes that perfectionist streak in me tends to come out in my knitting–and consequently drive me a tad bit nuts!) I love the colors together and really hope that Ariella does too. I tried to incorporate enough pink for her liking so hopefully it will be a winner and worn often this winter. (Rav notes can be found here for those that are interested.)
On the house hunting front we found out today that the home in Washington appraised for over our contract price so we are set to close by as early as next week. (!!!!) I really need to get my you know what together and get this house packed once and for all! I have decided that packing a home full of 6 people is a monumental feat.
I’m still biting off little bits here and there on The Help. It really is a good book to savor so I am not complaining too much about my lack of time to read. I hope to have it finished before the big moving day though.
How is your knitting and reading coming this week? Do you find yourself having more time to do both now that summer is wrapping up?

{ 15 comments… read them below or add one }
Love this cardigan, the colours are lovey together! I really enjoyed the help when I read it, I couldn’t put it down!
I love the stripe pattern, the colours look really cute together
Lovely colors. I’m sure it will be loved. And I enjoyed The Help too. I was sad when it ended. I have yet to see the movie though.
That is a nice and girly knit, very pretty! I’m such a perfectionist myself when it comes to knitting, in fact you could call me awfully petty and such a pain in the..ear =)
I hope you will make good progress on your packing and that it will not be so stressful. I’m sending a lot of good packing-mojo your way!
what a lovely colour combination, well done with the stripes. The Help is my favourite read of 2010 – I’m so excited the movie is coming out here next month (but a wee bit worried that it might disappoint after such a wonderful book)
Fantastic news on the house! Hooray!
I love the stripes. I know, things have to be “just so” or I dont like them, or they dont get worn. Ive been wanting to read “the help” too. Congrats on the move!
Cute colorway! What a fun little cardigan.
I loved The Help! Saw the movie with a friend last week and I’m pleased that they did such a great adaptation of the book.
Glad that the weather is cooling off, I too am catching up with knitting and reading.
Right now I’m nearly through with The Lady Elizabeth which is turning out to be a pretty good book.
I love the little cardi! Congrats on your move… I packed an entire apartment in 48 hours to move once… you can do it!
An entire apartment in 48 hours??!! Yikes! I will be so glad when this is all over!
What lovely colors! I am finding a bit more time for knitting and reading as fall rolls in, but mostly because of a slow-down in my work schedule. It’s a welcome break to finish up some projects!
Love the yarn and the pattern! Can you believe I am knitting the same pattern, without the stripes for my niece?? In pink.
Congrats on the house, won’t you miss the beautiful scenery?? But, moving is so fun, I mean, just going and starting over. It’s exhausting, but fun! Good luck with the move.
Wow Jen! Your making the same cardigan right now?! We do share the same taste in knitting don’t we? I guess great minds think alike!
Thanks to everyone for all the nice comments! As always, they are so appreciated!