The Sound of Rain

by Cynthia

The rains returned yesterday and I will admit, I did feel a tad bit depressed by the thought of the wet season returning. I am one that definitely enjoys the sun. I try to remind myself though that the cold and damp weather up here keep my woolen knits in demand by members of my family. That is at least one good thing about the constant rain!

tea leaves cardigan in progresswith naturally dyed yarn

Last night, while enjoying the sound of the rain coming down, I curled up with yarn in hand and ended up casting on yet another pattern. I seriously have some kind of knitting commitment problem these days! I cannot seem to stay focused on just one pattern! I have wanted to make myself a Tea Leaves cardigan for well over a year now. Last night I stole some yarn that was destined for my yarn shop and began to cast on that pattern. {here’s the Ravelry link} This color is not at all what I would normally pick for myself. I tend to lean towards more cooler colors but I wanted to try something different this time. Maybe a nice warm yellowy-orange cardigan will help to brighten the dreary days that are ahead.

On another note, I wanted to share a quick pic of another fiber project I have currently in the works. A week or so ago I began spinning this:

hemp roving

A 4 ounce pile of undyed hemp roving. It is very interesting spinning a plant fiber after always having spun protein fibers. I am actually really enjoying the roughness of the fiber. It does not behave at all like wool when being spun! I love how it feels like a plant. I’m planning on plying this when it is finished and then will experiment with my natural dyes on it. I can’t wait to see what I come up with. I will be sure to share my results here.

spinning hemp roving

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

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Christina October 13, 2012 at 8:36 pm

I have been thinking about trying the tea leaves cardigan myself…it is really quite pretty. I like your choice in yarn; yellows, browns, and reds have been on my mind lately. I guess the fall, which I am missing up north, is on my mind. I have never seen hemp roving before…very interesting looking. I am excited to hear what you plan on doing with it. Enjoy your weekend as well.


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