Last Tuesday was a monumental day for my family. It is a day I most certainly will not soon forget. You see, on Tuesday my daughter had multiple evaluations done by a team of specialists at a very respected children’s hospital. We have been on a waiting list for months anxiously expecting the call for our daughter’s appointment. This appointment would be the final piece to the puzzle in determining if our daughter has autism. For close to a year now we have taken her to various doctors, specialists, etc. to determine the degree and source of her numerous developmental delays and behavioral problems. To make a very long and emotional story short, our daughter has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD for short. Although we have known in our hearts for quite some time that something was just not “right” with our little girl it is still a huge piece of information to take in.

I do not mean to keep flooding this blog with all these posts about my children’s health issues but I did feel the need to let the readers of this blog know what I am currently dealing with. I have actually been toying with the idea of starting another blog up devoted to the issues we have been facing with our daughter. I do not want to fill this blog up with info on gluten free eating, celiac, and now Autism. I hope I will be able to continue this blog as it has brought me so much joy over the past almost 3 years now (wow!). I would like to see this blog stay focused on my passions: gardening, herbs, knitting, natural dyes, etc. Unfortunately, this past year has been incredibly difficult on those passions! They have had to be put on hold so much while I focus on the multiple needs of my children. Hopefully, now that we are finally getting answers on what our children are dealing with (see my post here on my son’s diagnosis) life will get a little bit easier.

Having answers means we can finally start moving forward. My goal for this year is to see my family moving forward with my children being healthy again and getting the help my daughter needs to grow up and live a wonderfully normal life.

I once again, (I am feeling like a broken record here!) thank my readers for their continued support and faith in this little blog of mine. You all mean so much to me. Thank you for taking time from your lives to read what I write. I am forever grateful.

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