I am trying to be picky when it comes to what I take with me. If I could I would take the entire garden with me. Just pick it up and put it on the moving truck with the rest of the furniture!
I’ve always enjoyed gathering seeds this time of year. There is something almost magical about watching the flowers bloom and then set seed.
I love all the different sizes and textures each seed has.Take the hollyhock seed for instance.
Once you separate an individual seed from the entire seed head you will see it is like a little rough disk. I imagine its rough edges enable it to stick to fur (or clothes!) ensuring the spreading of future generations. Isn’t it just amazing that one single seed can grow into such a tall and pretty flower?
Ariella has been out in the garden with me during many of my seed gathering sessions and I am so happy to see her delighting in this garden ritual of mine. Yesterday she was collecting marshmallow seeds from our herb garden and scattering them all about. (Which means the next tenants of this home will be finding marshmallow babies here, there, and everywhere come next spring.)
I always collect way more seed than I can possibly grow. I suppose I just can’t let them be—I have to collect them for future use and seed swapping. And if any readers are interested in swapping some seeds with me please do contact me. I love swapping seeds with fellow gardeners and thought it might be fun to try a seed swap with my readers. Come next spring I will have a brand new garden to fill up with little seedlings so a seed swap would be a lot of fun!

{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }
I think a seed swap is a lovely idea and would love to partcipate!xx
What a wonderful way to end the summer and look forward to your new home & garden! I’ll have to see if I can find anything at our place for swapping. It’s a fun idea!
Oh this post was wonderful. Thank you so much for it. I am collecting seeds for the first time this year and have only collected dill so far but I would love to swap! I am waiting for some of my other plants to go to seed (fennel is about to) but am not sure how to collect for some of them…
How exciting that this is your first year collecting seeds! I have been gathering seeds since I was a little girl helping my aunt in her garden. If you need any advice please don’t hesitate to ask me. I’d love to help!
I’m so excited by all of your responses! I have had some seed swapping ideas running around in my head for a few weeks now. I’ll try to pull them together and see what I can come up with. So, if you are interested, start collecting those garden seeds!
Hollyhocks have wonderful seeds.
Best wishes for your house move.
I’ve only collected vegetable seeds, not flowers…yet. Hope you settle into your new home soon and can plant your new old seeds. Does your new place have good gardens?
I love hollyhocks, partly because they remind me of my father who liked to grow them, and next year I plan to be better organized and plant some!