The wait is finally over! We moved into our new home a little less than a week ago today. What a whirlwind this past week has been! I feel so disorganized and crazy right now. Bit by slow little bit I am getting the home unpacked and squared away. It has proven to be a very slooow process with Gabriel underfoot. He wants into EVERYTHING! I cannot blame him really. It has got to be fun exploring this new environment that includes stairs (!). It has been a challenge keeping him away from those as he really enjoys climbing up them. I am waiting for the day when he attempts to climb the gate we have at the foot of them.
The previous owners left us a small (at least in my standards!) vegetable garden and look at what we found upon moving in.
Ariella and Logan were quite excited to see that pumpkin that is really rather large. That pumpkin is a nice little house warming gift for them.
Look what also awaited me in the garden.
I do not think I have ever seen a zucchini as large as this one! It is a monster. I have not yet had a chance to pick it but will be sure to photograph it when I do.
On a more somber note, our excitement of moving in to our new home was damped rather quickly this morning. That is because late last night my husband was driving home from work on the state highway and was hit nearly head on by a tow truck driving down the wrong side of the highway. To make matters even more upsetting it was a hit and run. By the act of some miracle my husband walked away from this horrible accident with only minor cuts to his face and ear where the glass shattered in on him. As of the time of me typing this blog post we do not know if they have caught the tow truck driver or not. Our car is totaled and not what we want to be dealing with just days after moving into our new home. We are very shaken up by this and I keep telling everyone how grateful I am that he is okay. I believe he must have had a guardian angel in the car with him. The rescue workers really stressed how lucky he is.
I am honestly so angered by this senseless accident. A husband and father of four almost did not make it home last night and why? My older two boys were so upset by this driver. I keep stressing to them that something must not have been right with him. He must have under the influence I keep telling them. I do hope they catch him.
I apologize for the rather sad post today. This is what is on my mind right now.
{Edited to add} I felt the need to write about my husband’s accident because it is what we are really dealing with at this time. I felt to not do so was like I was pretending everything is okay in our life at this moment when in fact, it is not. This is an incredible setback for us immediately after moving. I know we will get through this too but for the moment it feels like a whole lot. I just couldn’t write about only good things when that is not what is really going on. Thank you readers for letting me write what is truly on my mind.

{ 10 comments… read them below or add one }
Hurrah for moving! And finding pumpkins waiting for you.
But wow – the near miss – how very very horrible. I’m glad to hear your hb is safe.
(you have nothing to apologise for.)
Oh my dear! How frightening! Please. You don’t have to explain for sharing your heart here. This is your virtual home. It is safe (and if you ever feel otherwise, just send those nasty trolls to me!). Giving you a big hug (xoxoxo). What a sweet, sweet welcome gift that pumpkin and monster zucchini was…I smell zucchini bread in your future. When you get settled in, please let me know your address…I have a little neighborly love to post your way
Ok, sometimes I’m a little slow…Ginny over at Small Things just pointed me to your etsy shop! I had no idea it was there! Can’t wait to make an excuse to buy more yarn!!
I’m glad you started with the pumpkin and the zucchini (and the stairs!) because that suggests there’s a good solid base to rest on. I hope your husband – and all of you! – get over this accident soon and carry on enjoying your new home.
congrats on moving in! And so sorry to hear about the accident. I hope they catch the person.
I am so sorry to hear that your move-in was spoiled by such a terrible accident! The stress of moving is enough to keep busy for quite awhile, and to have the hit and run happen as well… goodness.
I am glad that your husband was able to walk away from the incident. Hopefully they catch the careless person soon!
OH MY. I am so sorry to hear this. I am so so thankful your husband is safe. There is no way around his, his angel protected him. Thank God.
You know what happened to my father, it is horrifying that one one minute your are drawing breath and living life, the next moment you are gone. There are just no words for the senseless things that people choose to do. I pray that they find this driver and get him off the road. Clearly he should not be driving, but I am so glad your husband was able to come home.
Such wonderful finds at your new home!
I am so thankful to read that your husband is okay. What a horrific ordeal for you all to be going through. My husband went through a somewhat similar experience and it was nerve-wracking.
Hope everything works out!
So glad you’re moved in, and also incredibly grateful that your husband is okay! That is soooooo scary, and terrible timing for your family, too. Thank God he walked away from the accident — I’m stunned and shaken just thinking about it!
Soooooo glad to hear your husband is OK. What a horrible shock. And how could you not share that? I think it’s always OK to post events such as this. None of us have perfect lives but it always helps us, I think, to know that other people deal with difficulties and tragedies, but that we can survive, and even thrive, afterwards.
Love your little garden presents in your new home!