A New Leaf

by Cynthia mybloggingplanet.com

Spring Leaves

The title for today’s post seems appropriate considering spring is right around the corner- although, I am not referring to spring or my garden for that matter!

No, you see, we have completely turned over a new leaf in my family these past few weeks. For starters, my husband was finally able to find a good job. Times have been so tough since he was laid off almost three years ago. We are thinking we can finally get back on top of things now that his work is once again more stable. The other big new leaf in this family has been the decision to go completely gluten free. My oldest son, you might remember, was recently diagnosed with Celiac disease. You also might remember that soon after that my daughter was diagnosed with being on the Autism Spectrum. There is a lot of information out there recommending autistic children be on a gluten free and casein free diet which led us to having our daughter go gluten free as well. (She has been dairy free since last year after it was believed she was possibly allergic to it.) I have been gluten free for nearly a year now because of nursing the baby and him having a sensitivity to the wheat/gluten that was in my diet. (Are you seeing a trend here?? Cause I know I am!) All of this has led my husband and I to make the decision for the whole family to be gluten free. After all, him and our 12 year old son were the only ones left eating a gluten filled diet! It is making things a little easier- having everyone on the same diet. We are adjusting to this new way of eating. I know it is hard on my 16 year old when he is at school and everyone around him is eating pizza and what not. (We are still homeschooling our 12 year old so he eats at home with me and the younger two children.)

I believe this blog is going to go through some changes in the next few weeks/months ahead. I have been thinking really hard about what it is and has been and were it might be going. Just blogging about my garden and hobbies doesn’t feel quite so….right for some reason lately. I keep wanting to write about other things such as what I mentioned above as well as my daughter’s recent events. I find myself avoiding this blog as I do not know just what to do with it. One part of me says to keep it on topic (e.g. gardening, herbs, knitting). The other part of me says it is my blog so I can do what I want with it.

I have toyed with the idea of starting up another blog that would be devoted to things such as a gluten free diet, homeschooling, autism, etc. but I keep not getting around to it. I worry about keeping up with two blogs. I have a hard enough time maintaining this one let alone adding another blog to the mix!

The first new change for this blog is going to be that from now on all of the recipes I post will be gluten free. So, as of right now, Brambleberries in the Rain is officially gluten free! (minus the few recipes posted prior to today that is.)

I would appreciate hearing from readers on their thoughts about what I am considering changing when it comes to this blog. Your input is important to me. I do not want to drive readers away by suddenly changing what I blog about. I am mostly just wanting to add a few topics to the list of  things I blog about. My life has evolved into something so new and I feel this site needs to reflect this.

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